Keyhouse breakfast seminar. Wake up and smell the coffee. Literally.

What: Accepting change, embracing technology, recognising opportunity.

When: Thursday 9th March 2017 from 8am – 9.30am

Where: Aviva Stadium, Lansdowne Road, Dublin 4

You know that the Irish legal industry has changed radically over the last 10 years. You know that it faces new challenges and that it has never been more difficult to be profitable.

What can you do about that? Our industry is changing and your firm must change with it and reinvent your business model.

Keyhouse will show you what’s really happening and clarify the challenges you face.

You might remember at our last seminar we predicted the commoditisation of legal services and this trend is now rapidly undermining the traditional business model of law firms around the world.

We’ll talk about this and other challenges and equip you with the tools and insight to tackle them.

And we’ll do all of that over one hour and a cup of coffee. All you have to do is join us when you wake up on March 9th. But please make sure you reserve your place by registering here first.

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